Da Kunnin’ Krew did not come to Harrowdeep by choice, but nor was their entrance entirely accidental. While hunting a bog wyrm through the turgid lakes of the Misted Isles, the Kruleboyz’ primary stronghold in the Helleflux, Mannok witnessed the beast suddenly disappear down a drain of grasping swamp-muck. Ignoring Torka’s protests, he directed their crude raft to investigate, only to wind up in the darkness beneath Ulgu.
It did not take long for Mannok to realise that the moist caverns of Harrowdeep would make a fine setting for a Kruleboy lair – and that to settle this place would see him become a premier boss. He now leads his long-suffering mates to find a way out and round up the rest of his boyz, while taking every opportunity to stalk and ambush unwary warbands in the meantime.
