Drepur’s Wraithcreepers are Nagash’s hunters and executioners, despatched to slave any who earn the Great Necromancer’s ire – including any who might enter Shadespire with a view to obsctructing Nagash’s plans. A Glaivewraith Stalker is an unstoppable force. Its long blade always points at the beating heart of its intended victim, just as the needle of an arcane compass indicates the highest concentration of magic. Though it drifts slowly towards its quarry, it is inevitable that the creature’s glaive will one day pierce the chest of its prey. Those who have realised a Glaivewraith is upon their scent have evaded them for years, even decades until their guard slips – and then the gheist’s leering and bestial visage is the last thing such victims see.

Meanwhile, these have been re-painted and here's the updated version:
